About Me

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I am a former college professor educating my children, who are now 14 (Bug) and 11 (Monkey). We've been homeschooling for 8 years. Welcome to our small patch of peace.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Handmade Gifts for Winter Solstice

A few years ago I decided that we should celebrate Winter Solstice, and the tradition would involve either handmade, recycled, or nature-inspired gifts. Bug loved The Princess and the Frog so I made a cloth Tiana doll. I never could get the hang of making Waldorf dolls. The ones I see on Etsy are just phenomenal. My poor Tiana has a crinkly old lady neck. For Monkey I made a friendly fleece monster. It's kind of hard to screw up a monster. If one arm comes out shorter than the other it just adds to the character. We have kept this tradition and I enjoy it much better than Christmas. We turn off the TV, the video games, and the lights and enjoy a quiet candlelit evening. 

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